Camden Wrongful Death Lawyer

It always feels wrong to the family members left behind when a loved one dies, but some deaths are also legally wrongful. A wrongful death case in Camden, New Jersey occurs when the actions or carelessness of one person or business causes death to someone else. When a death was preventable if only one party had taken reasonable care, the at-fault party is liable for damages to the surviving close family members. A successful New Jersey wrongful death claim can help family members recover compensation and a sense of justice and accountability. In most cases, if the deceased person could have filed a personal injury claim against the at-fault party had they survived the injury, the decedent’s representative or executor may file a wrongful death claim on behalf of the family members who suffer the greatest impact from the loss.

Call the Camden wrongful death lawyers at Cuneo & Leonetti today for prompt action in your case.

Camden attorney signing a legal document.

Why Choose Cuneo & Leonetti For Your Wrongful Death Attorneys in Camden?

The compassionate client advocates at Cuneo & Leonetti, Attorneys at Law, understand the deep emotional impacts of a sudden death as well as the serious financial effect on the family—especially those dependent on the income, benefits, or services formerly provided by the lost loved one. Our wrongful death lawyers are ready to represent your family through the following:

  • A strong commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for those who’ve wrongfully lost a family member
  • Personalized strategies for every unique case
  • An award-winning team with decades of combined experience behind your case
  • A trial-proven record of success in gaining outstanding court verdicts as well as out-of-court settlements for clients

At Cuneo & Leonetti, our proven track record includes recent multi-million dollar court awards and hundreds of thousands of dollars to clients in settlements.

Proving Liability in a Wrongful Death Claim in Camden

A successful wrongful death claim requires clear evidence of the negligent or wrongful party’s liability. Proving liability requires demonstrating the following:

  • The at-fault party owed a duty to take reasonable measures to avoid causing injury or death to others, such as a driver’s duty to follow New Jersey traffic laws
  • They breached this duty by an act of negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing
  • Their breach of duty directly caused the victim’s death
  • The family members suffered economic damages as well as grief and anguish from the death

In the event of a fatal car accident, a skilled Camden car accident attorney from Cuneo & Leonetti can help document the evidence of liability in a wrongful death claim. 

How Can a Wrongful Death Attorney Help?

Proving liability requires a thorough investigation into all aspects of the death, documenting evidence of liability, and carefully calculating the damages. Your attorney from Cuneo & Leonetti will then send a demand package to the insurance company of the at-fault party, such as their auto insurance after a car accident death, or medical malpractice insurance after a death from malpractice. A qualified Camden injury lawyer helps by negotiating with the insurance company to achieve the largest possible settlement or taking the matter to court in a wrongful death lawsuit.

What Damages Can Be Recovered in a New Jersey Wrongful Death Claim?

When a family member dies suddenly, it’s a tangible loss for the family as well as an emotional one. A death causes emotional anguish or distress, but may also result in financial hardship. A successful wrongful death claim brings compensation for damages such as the following:

  • Any medical expenses incurred by the decedent before their death
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Lost income for the working years the decedent had remaining to them had they not perished
  • Loss of benefits like health insurance and retirement contributions
  • Grief, anguish, and trauma to the family members

These are substantial losses with tremendous impacts on grieving survivors. A wrongful death claim relieves financial burdens so family members can focus on getting through the grieving process with fewer financial worries.

Call the Wrongful Death Lawyers at Cuneo & Leonetti

No one should have to take on the legal challenges of a wrongful death claim while also dealing with the emotional aspects of sudden loss. The wrongful death attorneys at Cuneo & Leonetti are ready to handle the legal tangles of a wrongful death case so you can focus on seeing your family through their grief.