Pennsauken Truck Accident Attorney

Large commercial trucks are a central component of the U.S. supply chain, bringing necessary goods and services into and out of New Jersey. While we depend on the commercial trucking industry, the immense, unwieldy trucks on the roadways present a significant safety risk to others on the road. A fully loaded semi-tractor-trailer truck weighs up to 80,000 pounds compared to the average 4,000-pound standard family car, leaving motorists in smaller vehicles vulnerable to severe injuries in a crash.

If you or a loved one experienced injuries or a fatality in a commercial truck accident, call the New Jersey truck accident lawyers in Pennsauken at Cuneo & Leonetti Attorneys at Law. 

Pennsauken Truck Accident Attorney

Why Choose Us as Your Truck Accident Lawyers in Pennsauken?

Lead attorneys, David K. Cuneo and Mark Leonetti have dedicated their careers to advocating for injured clients against big trucking companies and their powerful insurers. We have a track record of success including recent large settlements for clients injured in motor vehicle accidents. Our reputation puts a powerful voice behind our clients’ claims for compensation. Your case will have the benefits of our decades of experience and the following advantages:

  • An attorney dedicated to your case, plus the legal minds and resources of our entire team
  • A thorough investigation to compile compelling evidence to support your case
  • Skilled negotiations to secure the highest possible settlement
  • An experienced trial lawyer ready to litigate your case in court should the insurance company deny or undervalue your claim

At Cuneo & Leonetti, we understand the impacts of truck accident injuries on the entire family. We never charge a consultation fee to injury victims and only take our legal fees after obtaining Pennsauken car accident compensation for our clients.

Common Types of Truck Accidents In Pennsauken

The large size, heavy weight, and trailer design of commercial freight trucks cause them to crash in specific ways. For instance, they sometimes rear-end other vehicles or collide with obstructions because they can’t stop as quickly as smaller vehicles. Other common truck accidents include the following:

  • Jackknife accidents (the cab and trailer form an L-shape when the trailer comes out of alignment with the tractor, skidding forward and to the side)
  • Blindspot collisions (another vehicle moves too closely in a truck’s blindspot, or a truck merges over without seeing a car in the blindspot)
  • Head-on collisions (by failing to yield or drifting into oncoming traffic)
  • T-bone accidents
  • Rollovers (trailer flips and causes the entire vehicle to rollover)
  • Wide-turn accidents
  • Sideswipes

Recent data suggests that New Jersey truck accidents are deadly and dangerous. They also cause tremendous damage to other vehicles due to their size, weight, and difficulty maneuvering.

Why Are Truck Accident Cases Different?

Navigating a successful commercial truck accident claim takes special know-how and experienced investigation. Unlike typical car accident claims, multiple parties could be liable for a truck accident, including the following:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • A freight loading company
  • A truck maintenance company
  • The manufacturer of a defective tire, truck part, trailer part, or equipment
  • A third-party driver
  • A negligent road maintenance or road planning agency

Depending on the results of an investigation into the cause of the accident and anything that contributed to it, there could be one or more liable parties for a New Jersey truck accident.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit In My Truck Accident Case?

Most commercial truck accident cases are settled outside of court through negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurance company for a settlement. However, if an insurer fails to offer a reasonable settlement or wrongfully disputes the claim, the Pennsauken personal injury victim may file a lawsuit as long as it’s within New Jersey’s two-year statute of limitations.

Call the Pennsauken Truck Accident Attorneys at Cuneo & Leonetti

Truck accident injuries tend to be severe, leaving injury victims with substantial damages like property damage, medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. Contact Cuneo & Leonetti Attorneys at Law today for a free consultation so we can hear the details of your case and take prompt action to secure the compensation you deserve.